
Austria Zimbabwe Friendship Association, Kunzwana Trust, Horizont3000 and the Tonga.Online team are very proud to announce a major step forward in the extension of project: Ziliikuchitika, it's happening in Sinazongwe across the river - Mulonga. The establishment of Sinazongwe ITC at Sinazongwe Basic School, Zambia has been completed. Five years after the start of the project in Binga, the network has now definitely reached the Zambian side of the Valley. What an occasion to celebrate together with the #50 edition of Tonga.Online newsletter!

Previously, Tonga.Online trainer Theo Sianyuka made a wide reach with project awareness campaigning in Sinazongwe and Mweemba communities of the valley, Mamba Secondary School and other schools, with the support of the Honorable Chief Sinazongwe and Mr and Mrs Miyanda. The computer technician attached to Binga High School by Horizont3000, Uwe Allgäuer, has joined hands with Gary Brooking from Arachnid Design in Bulawayo and traveled to Zambia, successfully installing 15 computers at Sinazongwe Basic School.

Gary wrote: "The installation went well. Connectivity and communications are a big issue there. But apart from that there is a lot of support and enthusiasm for the Project. Theo has been very well received and she is a great ambassador for the project. The Ubuntu and Open Office I am sure will be a great success and a model for many other schools to come".
The photos documenting the installation of the computers are already online. Thanks to Uwe and Tenashi for the pictures.
The IT Centre is expected to be operational by 3rd March 2006. The official opening of Sinazongwe ITC with lots of Ngoma Buntibe and Budima dance and music at another Mulonga.Net Festival is scheduled for the beginning of September.

"I feel there is a call from down under the lake waters for the BaTonga people of the valley on both sides to remain united, sharing the same development and catching up with the world" said Binga coordinator David Mungombe.

Update from Sinazongwe

Report by Josiah Moyo
SINAZONGWE Community Radio

Sinazongwe / Southern Province / Zambia

The report for the ITC and the radio station is from February, 2009 to December 2009.

see also recent news about the situation there under SINAZONGWE.ONLINE in the Discussion Forum;

and Josiah Moyo's report about the Review and Planning Workshop in Binga under the headline Kunzwana & Tonga.Online projects to live on   

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Sinazongwe Radio station and ITC update

Sound Manipulation Workshop (29th Sept - 1st Oct 2008)


The Community Radio Station in Sinazongwe was setup in July, 2007. Several workshops were run at the time, focusing on the basic principles of a community radio station, interviewing techniques and how to make a radio programme.

Participants in the above mentioned workshops (due to time constraints) were, however, not exposed to sound editing and manipulation as a skill that can be applied to pre-recorded radio programs.

The purpose of the workshop was to provide the participants with basic skills in sound recording, editing and storage / archiving.

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More news from Sinazongwe ITC / Zambia

by Joshua Moyo,  Saviour Miyanda and Sengamo Ndlovu (compilation of some recent e-mails)
“The application for the phone line is not yet done by the school authority, they are saying that there is no money for that and they have not done the annual general meeting {AGM} yet. Although  in Sinazongwe the dial  up system  does not work  well, we failed to use the system. Even  other  offices who are  connected find it difficult to use”.
“The training of computer lessons is ongoing. Three male and one female teachers are training, thirty grade eight pupils have been introduced to computers, grade  seven  and grade nine  pupils have  continued  with  their  lessons. People from the community have shown little interest so far”. 
“On the radio station, we are still waiting for the approval from the Ministry of Information where the application for the licence was handed in”.
“Concerning the traditional Lwiindi ceremonies the dates are 31 July and 1 August 2008 as arrival dates and 02 August is the Lwiindi day”.
“Yes, we are working on Simonga going across for the Lwiindi. I hope the atmosphere will be calm enough and they will be allowed to cross as a group”.

Chief Sinazongwe at the International Expo "Water and Sustainable Development" in Spain

With great pleasure we have learned that Honourable Chief Sinazongwe is being invited to attend the International Expo "Water and Sustainable Development" which is taking place in Zaragoza / Spain from 14th June to 14th September. This three-month public event is expected to attract a large audience from all over the world. It will also provide for a platform to discuss the access to and usage of clean drinking water as a fundamental human right.

Chief Sinazongwe will visit the Expo at the end of June and we are sure that he will address not only the necessity of an integrated river basin management along the Zambezi catchment area but also the plight of the Tonga people after their forced relocation and making way for Kariba dam - without satisfactory compensation so far.

Welcome to Europe, Honourable Chief Sianzongwe, we wish you a safe journey and successful stay!
