Welcome to TONGA.ONLINE: www.mulonga.net!

Today, Sunday 25th March, 2001, the website www.mulonga.net has been launched. It will be hosted free of charge by SILVER SERVER in Vienna / Austria. This event marks a step forward for the TONGA.ONLINE project, which aims at promoting a Tonga Voice on the Internet. At the same time, a mobile Internet Centre, THE BIG BLUE VAN of World Links for Development WorLD, is about to start its tour in the Tonga area in Binga / Zimbabwe with further stops in Manjolo, Siansundu and Siachilaba. This will provide - at least temporarily - an Internet access for the Tonga community with the goal to lobby support for a permanent Centre. Check it out and take a chance to communicate with(in) the TONGA community!
Peter Kuthan