Merry Christmas
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- Created: Wednesday, 20 December 2006 00:00
We take this opportunity to wish you all a happy holiday season, a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2007.
We say thank you to the many friends, individuals and partners that collaborated with Tonga.Online in support of this program and for the BaTonga people of the Zambezi Valley.
Mweende Kabotu! Twalumba loko and see you in 2007!
Pottar Muzamba Project Director, Binga
Penny Yon Kunzwana Trust, Harare
Hannes Atzinger HORIZONT3000, Harare Office
Peter Kuthan Austria Zimbabwe Friendship Association, Linz
Dear friends
Greetings from Tonga.Online in Binga, where the temperatures are soaring towards the forties, with everyone waiting anxiously for rain. Every day, heavy rain clouds build up with dramatic thunder and lightning, but strong winds blow them away to deposit their precious water elsewhere. It's hot!!
We have spent a wonderful week with Zambian teachers Gerald Ndele and Emelda Phiri from Sinazongwe Basic School, who are undergoing an intensive training course to assist in the operation of the Sinazongwe ITC across Lake Kariba. The entire Binga team is involved, with Theo Sianyuka, Penny Yon (visiting) and Sengamo Ndlovu giving two days of Basic Concepts, Management and Sustainability issues by Pottar Muzamba, Preventative Maintenance and Operational issues by Richard Simango, PR and Advertising by Penny Yon, Sharing Experiences with David Mungombe, Sengamo Ndlovu, Blessmore Siasweka and 'Muchie' Muchineripi of Binga ITC and Clement Mungombe of Sianzyundu ITC.
Great teamwork by everyone and a warm welcome to our two participants from Zambia. Good teamwork is also being enjoyed with Mr Saviour Miyanda who is fully supportive of the project as an important stakeholder in Zambia, and offering every assistance to move forward with registrations and general development.
On this happy note we thank all donors, partners, stakeholders and friends of the Tonga.Online project for your support which has brought us to this point, and wish you all a Very Merry Christmas, and Peace and Prosperity in 2007. As we enjoy ourselves during Christmas let us also think of the mammoth task ahead of us. That is to provide ITC service to the people of the Zambezi valley.
With best wishes from Tonga.Online team.

From left to right, Back row:
David Mungombe (outgoing Project Coordinator) Penny Yon (Harare Liaison Officer) Richard Simango(Technical & Operations Manager)
Front Row:
Stanford Muchineripi (Department head Binga High ITC) Theophorah Sianyuka (Admin Clerk and Trainer) Emelda Phiri (Sinazongwe ITC Trainee) Pottar Muzamba (Project Director) Gerald Ndele (Sinazongwe ITC Trainee) Blessmore. Z. Siasweka (ITC teacher Binga High School).
Kindly note that the Tonga.Online office will be closed from December 21, 2006 and reopen on January 3, 2007.
Read more about recent developments in our stakeholder update Oct-Dec 2006