Theophorah Sianyuka

Theophorah SianyukaWorking at the Binga ITC, Tonga Online Project - Introduction to Computers training and general activities, including ciTonga telephone-radio interviews and translation service.

Theo Sianyuka is a young Tonga woman who was born near the Gwaai River in the Binga district of northern Zimbabwe. She is from a large family of 14 children, of which she is the seventh. Theo is fluent in seven languages, and is passionately concerned about preserving and promoting her Tonga cultural heritage. She will be working with the craftswomen of Siachilaba and other areas to reach networks and develop markets for their work, and has done a number of interviews on behalf of Tonga.Online in ciTonga for the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation's National FM radio station. Theo hopes to influence and lead young women to IT literacy through her own example.

Written & spoken:
English, Tonga, Ndebele, Shona, Dombe, Nambiya
Spoken: Chewa/Nyanja

Address: c/o Stand 115, Binga
Tel: 015-573
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