Binga music-recording studio re-opened!

 The Binga music-recording studio (proposed to be called TWIIMBILANE STUDIO - "Let's sing for each other") re-opened after installing a second music computer in February. Interviews for trainees were held and Patience Munkuli, the only girl that applied is to start on a free computer training as part of the course.

The four male musicians namely Joseph Munsaka/Binga urban, Joshua Sibanda/Pashu, Robson Mudenda/Kamativi and Ginger from Sikalenge were interviewed and will all receive training while working on their music products. Some artists from Syanzyundu, Bunsiwa and Lubu have visited the studio and registered their appreciation of the project. It seems there is a good response and high expectation from the artists who are looking forward to producing CDs, cassettes and other Tonga language products to feed Tonga programs in the media. This is a big challenge for Tonga.Online as a facilitator. Although some recording can be done now, we are still to complete soundproofing of the studio. Materials for soundproofing are being requested from National Blankets in Bulawayo and other sympathizers.