Seasons greetings, holiday schedule

We wish you and all friends, stakeholders, collaborators, supporters and sponsors of Tonga.Online project Merry Christmas, a relaxing festive season and all the best for 2006!

Peter Kuthan on behalf of Austria Zimbabwe Friendship Association
Penny Yon on behalf of Kunzwana Trust

Mweende Kabotu! Twalumba loko and see you in 2006!

Dear friends,

Greetings from Binga where it is still very hot, with a few rainy days to cool things down.
As we come to the end of the year, we would like to thank you for your assistance to the Tonga.Online project, which is moving from strength to strength in Binga area!
Thanks for all you have done for us and for the BaTonga people of the Zambezi Valley. We look forward to working with you again in the coming year.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and for those who are going somewhere, Mweende Kabotu!
We are also breaking for holidays between 19/12/05 and 03/01/06 but the Coordinator will be available for urgent issues.

Twalumba loko and see you in 2006!
With best wishes from
David, Theo, Clement, Sengamo
Tonga.Online team

ICT's Holidays schedule
Binga 19/12/05 to 10/01/06
reopens with IT teacher on school opening.
Siachilaba 19/12/05 to 03/01/06
reopens with Trainer Notie T Sianyuka who is rejoining the project after college.
Siansundu 19/12/05 to 03/01/06
reopens with Trainer Clement Mungombe.