Parade Linz09
Linz, an Austrian City, will be the European Capital of Culture for the year 2009. This means that the whole of Europe, for the whole of 2009 will be focusing on Linz for cultural activities and artistic displays from all over the world.
This was seen as an opportunity to expose the Tonga Culture, and what better way than to have one Ngoma Buntibe group representing the BaTonga from both sides of the Lake: symbolising the oneness in culture, though separated by International borders and huge waters.
PARADE documentary @ Zimfilmfest 2011
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Created: Thursday, 29 September 2011 14:59
Good News: The 14th Zimbabwe International Filmfestival ZIFF, which runs from 30th September to 7th October in Harare under the theme "Finding Common Ground" is featuring Tonga Tonkunst. The very special Ngoma Buntibe music of the Tonga people in the Zambezi Valley will be on screen in the film Parade documentary. Be there - don't miss!
The film Parade documentary will be showing at the Young Africa Skills Centre in Chitungwiza (a high density suburb of Harare) on Monday, October 3, 2011 at 4:00pm.
Admission is free. for more details see -> You will find all the information you need on the current website:
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Tonga music docu featuring @ Film Festival
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Created: Wednesday, 20 July 2011 07:29

Riva Bikarija
2nd SPFF
06.08. | 20:30
Projekt “Parada” bio je jedan od najuspješnijih projekata u okviru programa Linz09 – Europska prijestolnica kulture. „Glazba u pokretu“ glasio je moto parade koja je na različitim mjestima u Linzu okupila ansamble i orkestre iz cijeloga svijeta. Reakcija publike i glazbenika bila je nevjerojatna. Tisuće ljudi spontano se pridružila glazbenicima i zajedno s njima kretala ulicama Linza.
Dariusz Kowalski i Peter Kuthan ovaj su fascinantni projekt dokumentirali filmom koji će se po prvi puta prikazati u Hrvatskoj na 2nd SPFF-u – Festivalu glazbenog dokumentarnog filma.
07.08. | 21:00 | MALA PAKLENICA
Kino Studenac
hrvatska premijera
Dariusz Kowalski / Peter Kuthan
Linz09 Parade Documentary released
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Created: Monday, 07 December 2009 13:01
A comprehensive audio and video documentary of Parade, an encounter of musicians from different parts of the world in Linz / Austria, has been released. The CD/DVD package will be out after presentations in Linz on 8 - 10th December.
Simonga-Maliko, the 30 head strong Ngoma Buntibe group of musicians from Siachilaba and Sinazongwe on both sides of Lake Kariba have been the core ensemble of this very special festival.
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Maliko: Parade Travelogue
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Created: Sunday, 06 September 2009 14:12
A report from Josiah Moyo who accompanied the Maliko group of musicians from Sinazongwe / Zambia on their journey to Austria to attend the Parade at Linz 09: "Ich war dabei" which means " I was part of it" and was written on the Linz09 T-shirts.
He writes about their astonishment: "they did not think that blowing a horn ('kusiba nyele' in local Tonga language) can take a person so far".
See the many pictures enclosed in the report and read the accounts of participants. Read also feedback from other groups of musicians participating:
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Tonga Tonkunst on Tour in Austria / Europe
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Created: Monday, 27 April 2009 14:38
Early this morning a joint ensemble of Tonga Ngoma Buntibe musicians from Zimbabwe and Zambia have paraded the Victoria Falls bridge into Zambia to board an areoplane in Livingstone tomorrow for the flight to Austria / Europe. Fifteen musicians of Simonga group from Siachilaba and fifteen musicians of Maliko from Sinazongwe have been invited by Linz2009, the Cultural Capital of Europe this year to participate at Parade from 1st to 3rd May. The group is led by Jossam Munkuli and Peter Mungombe of Simonga, and by David Mundando and Chief Sinazongwe of Maliko. Tour manager is Sengamo Ndlovu from Tonga.Online team in Binga.
"It is such a pleasure to see the efforts by Simonga and Maliko to highlight the cultural heritage of the BaTonga people. That the event is being hosted on the Zambezi River, across the bridge, could not have been more symbolic. The bridge physically unites the two sides of the river as does this cultural project for the BaTonga people across the river." (Dominic Muntanga)
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Parade blog launched
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Created: Sunday, 22 March 2009 12:57
Time flies, the Parade at Linz 2009 - the European Capital of Culture this year - is coming closer.
One of the key participants will be a joint ensemble of the Ngoma Buntibe groups Simonga from Siachilaba in Zimbabwe and Maliko from Sinazongwe in Zambia.
Have a look at the blog to see what's happening in the run-up to the
Parade, post your comments and greetings, and follow the events in Linz / Austria on site or online.
Parade-blog launch:
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Simonga-Maliko Rehearsals for Linz09
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Created: Monday, 02 February 2009 22:03
Maliko Budima Group: Trip to Binga for Rehearsals for Linz09 from 02 – 09 January, 2009.
Maliko Budima group from Sinazongwe / Zambia had a trip across the Lake Kariba to Binga for its final rehearsal for the journey to Austria in May 2009. The rehearsal was held at Binga High School from 2nd to 9th January.
See Images
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First Simonga & Maliko rehearsals for Parade @ Linz09 done
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Created: Monday, 13 October 2008 14:27
Report on the Trip to Zambia from 24th September - 2nd October 2008
compiled by Sengamo Ndlovu
Linz, an Austrian City, will be the European Capital of Culture for the year 2009. This means that the whole of Europe, for the whole of 2009 will be focusing on Linz for cultural activities and artistic displays from all over the world.
This was seen as an opportunity to expose the Tonga Culture, and what better way than to have one Ngoma Buntibe group representing the BaTonga from both sides of the Lake: symbolising the oneness in culture, though separated by International borders and huge waters.
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